Employee Scholarships
We offer up to $1000 each to successful Grade 12 Graduates who presently work or have worked at Village Food Markets or who are the children or grandchildren of present employees.
Apply for 2025
Applications must be received by May 15, 2025.
Applications must include:
- All grades (transcript)
- Relevant contact info (name, phone)
- A single cover page outlining achievements and future goals
- A short story
The short story should relate in some way to the applicant’s experience with Village Food Markets. It may be a humourous or interesting work story or how the grocery store affected your life or the life of someone you know in a positive way.
Eligibility / Requirements / Rules:
- Applicants must be Grade 12 students who presently work or have worked at Village Food Markets or who are the children or grandchildren of present employees.
- Applicants must be continuing post-secondary education within a two year period after high school.
- Winners must present proof of post-secondary enrolment as well as a 8” x 10” high school graduation photo to claim their bursary cheque.
- The year’s total scholarship fund may be given to a single student or split among multiple students, depending on the qualifications and number of those who apply.
For more info, see Carey at our reception or phone the store.

Congratulations to Past Scholarship Winners
Presley Banys $600
Ben Hassett $600
Samantha Hay $600
Mathew Spalding $600
Fallyn Young $600
Bryce Barton $1000
Nadia Fontaine $1000
Paige Murdoch-Morgan $1000
Tija Dalep $1000
Miles Drabitt $1000
Luther White $1000
Jessie Coldwell $750
Katy Walsh $750
Harmony Pierce $750
Danielle Bonilla $750
Lindsay Hornsby $750
Christopher Piatkowski $750
Erin Chisholm $750
Timothy Ross $750
Julia Cissell $750
Nick Lumley $750
Steven Piatkowski $750
Andrew Rodd $750
Brianne Barton $750
Elizabeth Spalding $750
Taylor Bernard $750
Kieran Connor $750
Kayla Wiens $500
Cassidy Logan $500
A. Ostropolski $500
Chloe Mitchell $500
Levi Niblack $750
Quiona Lovbakke $500